Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Wanna Cry Too!!

Credit To : EuNteUkseasoon1@YT

Bet They Won't Believe How Much All The Fans Had Supports Them Since Their Debut..But That's The Truth...Look At Donghae Expression When Seeing All The ELF's Had Done here ......

I'm Really Touched Of What They've Done And That's Why SuJu Had Promised Them To Come Back...

And Hopefully For This Coming Concert In KL, Malaysian ELF Can Do Much Better..Bet They Already Have The Planned..Wish All Of You The Best..And For The Boys...Welcome To Malaysia! And Can't Wait To See You!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hot Guy That Kills Me!!

Sj Post Tok Sronok2 Tym Hati Ngan Pale Naik Runsing Mengolah Proposal Yg Tak Siap2...*sigh*
Ni La Dia Hot Guys Yg Dh Berjaya "Bunuh" Sy..Pakcik Pulis Tgkap Mereka!LOL!
Kalo Dlu Sy Sgt Gilakan Futballer Dan Edward Cullen a.k.a Robert Pattinson Sehinggakan Sy Menangis Apabila Melihat Kematiannya Sbg Cedrick Diggory Tym Harry Potter..Ttp Mereka Ini Sudah Tak Relevan Lg...Hahahahahaha! *evil laugh*

Sbb..Jejaka Ganteng Dr Republik Korea Telah Berjaya Menendang Mereka2 Sume Kuar Dr Ranking...*evil laugh lg*

Nk Tau Sapa Calon2Nye?? Blh2....Sat No...

5th Place - Choi Siwon (Super Junior, Super Junior M)

4th Place - SS501 Except Park Jung Min

3rd Place (Pingat Gangsa) : Lee Donghae (Super Junior, Super Junior M)

2nd Place (Pingat Perak) : Evil Maknae - Cho Kyu Hyun (Super Junior , Super Junior M)

And the winner for this are.....*drum rolls*

SS501 Sexy Charisma@Mal@ Park Jung Min

Really adored this guy...His dorkiness+evil acts really makes my day..wish can meet him someday!
CEO Park!Saranghaeyo!Fighting!

It's You - Super Junior

Lagu Ni Dh Lm Kuar Kot...Tp Aku Je Lmbt...Mklm La Dlu K-Pop Nih Tak Pnh Msk Dlm Playlist Pn..Skang Je... (^_^)

Bg Aku Lg Ni Best Cz......Ntah La..Tatau Nk Explain..Nk Tau Dgr La Sdrk...

N Tok Lg Nih Je..Siap Ada 3 Versi - Dance, Movie And Combine 22..33 Best...

Ni Translation Nyer...
 (It’s You)
it's you (it's you) it's you (it's you)
for me, there's only you (it's you) it's you (it's you)
i don't need anyone else, for me it's only you
even if you ask me again, for me it's only you
you might have loved others before (it's you)
but i can't let you go, i can't turn back (it's you)
the moment my gaze began to burn (it's you)
the moment the nail was wedged deep into my heart (it's you)
without any regrets, i chose you (it's you)
yes, for me, it's you. oh, i
no matter what anyone anyone says, it doesn't matter to me
even if anyone anyone says bad about us, i'll look at only you
even if i were to be born again, there's only you
tictoc tictoc, even as time passes. oh, i
even when i tell you i love you, tell you thousands of times
to make my heart burn and my dry lips worn out
even if i were to be born again, there's only you
tictoc tictoc, even as time passes. oh, i
oh oh only for you oh oh only for you
oh oh only for you oh oh only for you
oh oh only for you oh oh only for you
oh oh only for you, it's you
there's no need for words, for me it's only you (it's you)
even if you say it's too late, for me it's only you (it's you)
though i know it's a wrong love (it's you)
i can't give up, i'll never be able to let you go (it's you)
my cold lips are calling for you (it's you)
hotly, it's shouting, look for you (it's you)
even if you don't respond when i call out (it's you)
i'm stil waiting for you. oh, i
no matter what anyone anyone says, it doesn't matter to me
even if anyone anyone says bad about us, i'll look at only you
even if i were to be born again, there's only you
tictoc tictoc, even as time passes. oh, i
even when i tell you i love you, tell you thousands of times
to make my heart burn and my dry lips worn out
even if i were to be born again, there's only you
tictoc tictoc, even as time passes. oh, i
oh oh only for you, oh oh only for you
for me, it's you, it's you. for me (why don't you know, why don't you know)
for me, it's you, it's you
for me, i
no matter what anyone anyone says, it doesn't matter to me
even if anyone anyone says bad about us, i'll look at only you
even if i were to be born again, there's only you
tictoc tictoc, even as time passes. oh, i
even when i tell you i love you, tell you thousands of times
to make my heart burn and my dry lips worn out
even if i were to be born again, there's only you
tictoc tictoc, even as time passes. oh, i
it's you (it's you) it's you (it's you)
for me, it's only you (it's you) it's you
 Credit To : crazykyootie@soompi
P/S - KyuHae are Soooo Damnn Hot... (^_^)


Psl apa untitled??
Ntah la...tatau nk ckp mcm mn...

Diz one is qoute from my sister at her tumblr site...

“Jangan benci sangat dekat something ataupun someone.
sebab kita tak akan tahu,
kita akan terus benci,
ataupun end up,
jatuh cinta ataupun suka dengan benda yang kita benci tu.”

Ble fkr2 n renung blik...ada rasional nye kat situ...tp bnd nih bkn la dia je yg ckp...dulu2 lg pn aku dh dgr... n biasa la igt memain..tuh yg buat dunno je... tp ble dh slalu jd dia buat aku fkr..btol la...dh bnyk sgt jd...tak percaya?tgk keadaan sekeliling korang...sm ada secara direct atau indirect tp yg nyata nya quote kt ats tuh pnh berlaku...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Apa Nk Jd????? *double sigh*

Hr Ni Gle Best!!
Proposal Lg 2 Mgu Nk Submit...Tp Lgsg Tak Buat Apa Lg Altho Dh Prepare Draf...Gle Mls Btol Aku Nk Taip Blik...Lg2 Ble Tgk Buku Yg Tebal Nk Mati...Tu Blm Kire Ngn Journal Article Yg Berpuluh2 Muka Surat...Kalo Mcm Gini Alamatnye Niat Nk Smbg Master Kne Postpone Dulu La...*sigh*

N Plg Best Aku Smpt Bersukaria Kt SP (Fullhouse Cafe) Ngn Kwn2 Br..Sronok...First Tym Jmp Tp Gle Best...Smp Skt Pale Aku...Hahahahaha!Tmpt Nye Gle Class N Best...Mkn?Jgn Ckp Dia Pny Set Gle Sdp
*Double Thumbs Up To The Chef*

Nk Tgk Pics?Nnt Sy Upload Kendian K...

And Pd Sapa2 Yg Clbr8 Bday Bln Nih -> Esp My Dearest Mak Lang + CKH + KKJ (Abaikan Krn Mereka Tdk Mungkin Mendengarnya..) Happy Birthday And May All This Year Will Bring You More Prosperous And Success And Stay Healthy!!