Friday, March 19, 2010

Nk Pg Ke Tak Nak??

March 19, 2010

Flight MH067 – Seoul to Kuala Lumpur
Arriving at 4:45PM
- 9 members, no Siwon, Kangin, Kibum and Hangeng -

March 19, 2010

Flight TG657 – Seoul to Bangkok
Departing at 9:25PM – Arriving at 1:20AM (March 20)
- Siwon -

March 20, 2010

Flight TG415 – Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur
Departing at 8:52AM – Arriving at 12:03PM
- Siwon -
more information will be announced at 1PM (malaysian time)
please copy ALL the below information when redistributing
Source: Malaysian ELFs and Thailand ELFs (polarelle) +
thank you aamiera for the tips

Ikutkan Hati Mau Tgh Hari Buta Dh Terpacak Kat KLIA Tuh...Tp Disebabkan Aku Bukan Jenis Yg Suka Tmpt Crowded So Kne Fikir Blik...Tp Cam Best Je Kan...Ble Lg Nk Tgk Dorg Live...Dh La Concert Tak Dpt Pg...Gle Mlg Btol...Nk2 Plak Ngn Aku Yg Jenis Tak Reti Kuar Mlm..Lgla...Hmmmm...

Takpe La...Bak Kata Adik Aku...Tgk Gmbr Sudeyh...Huhuhu!
Tp Kalo In Future Ada Lg SuShow 3..Aku Tak Kira Aku Nk Pg Gaks...

P/S - Br Td Dpt Offer Someone Nk Jual Tix Dia...So Shud I Go Or Not??

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