Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gud Week And Bad Week - 07th Sept 2009 Till 13 th Sept 2009

Tgk Tajuk Pon Dh Blh Conclude Dh..Hihi!
Pdk Kata Last Week Dh Mcm2 Jd Kat Aku..Either Gud Or Bad..

Yg Gud?? Hurm Bg Aku Fkr Sat....
1) Aku Dgn Brani Nyer Add Guy Yg Aku Crush Tym Zaman Kanak2 Skola Dlu...And Guess What?? He Approved..But Now I Dun Hv Any Feeling Towards Him..Juz Considered As A Fren La..
2) Dgn Bganya Aku Nk Announce - Yippie! England Qualify Pg WC2010 And Spain Too...Hopefully Next They Can Bring The Cup Back To England After 44 Years..
3) Still Dlm Eng...Liverpool Won! Weeee! Hopefully After This They Can Maintain Their Success And Bring Back The Title To Anfield!

Bad Week?
1) Entah Nape Mgu Ni Dh Jd Mcm Chaos Dh..SUme Lect Gle Nk Bg Assignment...Cis!! Tau La Nk Cuti Raya!
Bg La Chance Kami Nak Beraya Kok Ye Pun..
2) Test HRM 654 - Aku Tatau Apa Yg Aku Bc Dan Apa Yg Aku Jwb...Best Wooo!Mmg Melingkup Aku Pny Test..Sorry Dr. Sar..Pale Otak Dh Blackout...Huhu!
Tuh Jer Yg Aku Nk Cite..Next Week Dh Raya..Alhamdulillah Thn Ni Aku Raya Ngan Sume Br..Yg Syok Aku Dpt Gaks Bli Tops After B'Thn2 Raya Ngn T-Shirt Yg Sama..Pathetic Kan?? Huhu

K..I'm Off Now..See Ya Soon

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Obsession - Online Shopping!

Lately I found the new obsession which is ONLINE SHOPPING! LOL!
you can call me lame or what so ever but i'm totally love this type of shopping..
This can helps you save your time but unfortunately not your money..LMAO!

at first just interested in buying shawls through online but lately i found new one which is bag shoppiing! wohoo! lots of money will be spend after today i end up booking for three bags which one is lookalike chanel quilted bag that i dreamed on and the bag inspired by hermes birkin..hey that's not inspired it's copied..LOL! But never mind cz i totally loved and i'm thinking of buying one for my mum..teheee! =]

here are the sneak peek of the bags..

soon if got enough money i'm gonna buy this one!

From this you guys can see that i'm seriously need help! LMAO!


The Reds Are Getting Sux!


What happens to beloved football team Liverpool diz season?
Is it me or other fans feels that now our players are getting sux diz season?
They had lost two games from three matches in two weeks?
Ryte now i juz feel that our dream to achieve the premiership for 19th times are getting far although some people says it is still early to determined the champions...

From what i can say, the main cause of The Red's bad performance are the departure of Xabi Alonso to cause a big changes for The Red's cz Xabi is the key player that contributed to our 2nd place success last season..

And now after all the sucks performance..It's kinda funny when Rafa put all the blame to the players not him..I guess he shud takes the responsibility too since he's the one who make all the decision..

Neway hopefully The Red's are able to fight for the champions although we lost our key players..
I'm not optimistic but i believe they can fight till the ends...And no worries i'm still supporting you..


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shopping...Shopping And Shopping Again!!!

Malaysia mega sale are back!!Yippie!

Actually sale nih dh nearly nk hbs sj nak bgtau skang cz mengenangkan i dh spend a lots of money during this season for shopping!! start jer season nih..i pon start lah projek shopping i alone!!rs nyer this time lah tym i shopping plg gle skali for my entire i'm nearly broke got served babes!Hahahaha!

Nk tau apa yg bli?Ok..start je season nih i beli jam from less 20% so from RM49.90 they reduced the price to RM38++..then afta 3 days at the same shop i bought another price cut till the price is RM70++..sadly i'm unable to get the 'miu miu' lookalike bag cz the price is RM100 something..been thinking twice b4 i left the shop.. :'(

Then, on the same day i bought the file/organizer idk its name from roxy..luckily got birthday rewards from them so i have to pay only RM60.Thx god!

After 3 weeks i bought all the stuff, i'm going shopping again..this tym with my sis wanted to bought the gladiator's looks cool so i ask one pair from my dad and luckily he willingly to pay for them yay! again..and i'm totally gutted this time cz for the whole i've tried my best to save my money but it just finished after i went to jusco bukit raja where i end up buying 2 pair of jeans which cost me RM99..

And the latest one last week..where i'm going with my friends to MJ warehouse sales at Std Melawati..So rambang mata looking at the tops and i end up choosing 2 tops and i sweater which cost me RM65..

And not too forget the stuff from my new shopping!! got two shawls and 1 knitted bag...All of them in price of RM70++

From this, the moral of the story are dun you ever going shopping alone cz at the end you will end up like me..LOL!

I will upload all these pics later..

That's all now buddies!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Drama On Transfer Season 2009 -2010

Hurm..What Shud I Start?

CR7 (Yucks) Hot Transfer?
Kaka Shocks Transfer?
Xabi Alonso Willingly To Transfer?

If U Guys Asked Me..Obviously the third options is my best answer..


Cz the first two never bother me at fact i'm totally hate the first one (i mean it)..

It begins during last season when our dearest Rafa really crazy to Gareth Barry until he decided to sold Xabi to Juventus..Just because of this Xabi really upset with his "stooopid" decision which later continues in this season...after trying to sell Rafa wanted him to is too late when Xabi had hands an application to transfer and last Tuesday, finally he leaved Liverpool and heads to shithole Real Madrid..

All my friends had said Xabi try to ruined his future..but let's hope this thing never happens to him just like what happens to our legend Michael Owen which now he ended up to play with our biggest rivals MU...

My wish to him...Gud Luck In Real Madrid and thank you for everything you've done to Liverpool..

Hopefully this season will be Liverpool Greatest Season Ever..


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

2.41 a.m

Skang dh pukul 2.41 pg..Tapi mata aku still cerah lg...hebat kan?Ni sume gara2 minum nescafe ais kt Kedai Kopi la nih..budget2 tym order takde la kaw sgt...skali amik..pdn muka aku..sdh la bsk pg2 aku bz..blh naik gle aku tak tido nih..huhu..

Tu 1 hal..dgn mood aku nk blaja pn makin menipis gara2 'unexpected holiday' yg telah dibagi..lg la sume h1n1 pny penangan yg msk nih dh dkt 6 org meninggal..ble lah epidemik ni nk hbs..hmmm...

Actually bnyk bnd yg telah buat otak aku berserabut..ngn internships yg tak setel..mood blaja yg hilang..eeee bnyk lg la..blh gle aku kalo satu jer yg aku suke...aku dh jmp hobi online..hihihihi..pgsan bpk aku nk provide allowance tok aku tiap2 takpe bkn slalu aku shpng pn..juz skang aku pny target nk cr beg yg lookalike chanel quilted bag tuh je..
kalo dpt aku akn krg kn habit shpng aku..hahahaha..mcm dpt jer krg kn..

Tuh jer yg aku nk mengarut tok kali ni..


Sunday, July 12, 2009

MJ - The Legend That Had Gone!

Kalo D'Ikutkan Berita Ni Dh Out Of Date Dh Pun..Tp Smp Hr Ni Kisah Dier Still Lg Tak Hbs2..
Know Who The Person Is..Our King Of Pop..Micheal Jackson..

Dier Pg 25 Jun 2009 Berpunca Dr Cardiac Arrest Afta Dier Jth Tym Nk Ke Bilik Air..My Sis Ckp The Only Solution To Save MJ Ngan Guna Machine Yg I Dunno Their Name..But They Can Be Found At OT!

After Two Weeks His Death Saga Still Tak Hbs2 Lg..Esp Die Pny Result Autopsi..They Believed MJ Had Been Murdered..They Might Come To Conclusion After They Jmp Bnyk Sgt Jenis Painkiller...If Btol La Dier Nih Kne Bunuh Hopefully Sape Dalangnyer Tuh Kne La Hukuman Yg Sepatutnye..

Last Tuesday Ader Live Dier Pny Memorial..I Was Wondering Kalo Btl Dier Nih Dh Convert Into Islam Nape Dier Pny Ceremony More To Kristian...But Whatever Tuh Btween Dier Ngn Pencipta Yang Maha Kuasa!

Apa Yang Buat This Memorial Service Jd Mcm Touch Sgt Is When MJ's Daughter, Paris Bg Speech..Dat Tym Touchng Gle Cz Now We Know How MJ Treat His Children...He's Lovely...He Really Cared His Kids..Tak Nk Ckp Lbh2..Tgk Lah Vids Nih..

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's All About Shouz!!!

Heyya People!

Cz Hr Nih Dh Tatau Nak Citer Apa..So I Decide Nk Share My Passion In Here!
It Begins Right After I Start My Diploma..Kt Mn? No Need To Knows..LMAO!
Mula2 Tuh I Tak Minat Ngan Kasut2 Nih Cz ATM My Passion Is Direct To Books + ETC..

Once It Started When I'm Taking Business Comm Subject Where It Need Us To Dress Like We're In Corporate World..So Ble Dh Nm Pun Corps World MsT La Ader Sangkut Paut Ngan Heels Kan? Kre Sbb Kan Subjek Tuh I Dah Start Gle Heels..B4 Dat I Dh Try Pki Sket2..Begins With One And 2 Inch..Tp What I Love This Moment Ballerina Flats And Gladiator Sandals...But I Juz Love Seeing Them..Not Buy Them!

Ryte Now My Shouz Collection Ada Dlm 10 Pair Of Shoes..And The Number Might Be Growing Soon..Plg Tgi Heels I Pki 4 Inch..Tp Jln Awkward Sket Lah..My Sis Ckp Funny..Might Be Cz I Jrg2 Pki..But Soon I'm Gonna Wear Them Everyday!

This Time I Have Two Brand OD Shoes Yg I Wish Sgt Blh Dpt One Day..

1 - Of Cz Christian Louboutin

2 - YSL Tribute!

Apa Yg Ada Pd 22 Nama Bsr Dlm Industri Fesyen Ni? Sng Je..

For Christian Louboutin - Dier Pny Red Sole Tuh..Nk Tau Yg Mn? Dier Pny Tapak Tuh Exclusively Warna Merah..That's Show Their ID.. And YSL? I Dunno..But When I See All The Celebs Esp The England WAGS Wear Them I Feel Like..WOW! That Shoes Looks Gorge!
But Dun Ask Me The Prices Of This Shoes..For One Pair It Cause Almost Thirty To Fourty Hundred! What A Price! But It's Really Worth If I Can Get Them!

YSL Tribute Too Ankle Length Boots

YSL Tribute Too Platforms

YSL Tribute Platforms

Christian Louboutin Hyper Prive 120 Pumps

Christian Louboutin Bianca 140 Pumps

Boring! + Bosan! Hey That's Has Same Meaning!

Hari Nie Hari Ahad...Tapi Bosan Nak Mati..Hr2 Aku Pny Routine During Sem Break Nih Sama Jer...Mcm Takder Life..Hahaha..Seswai La Untuk Aku Yang Korang Bersosial Nih..Hihihi..

Mula2 Best La..Tp Dh Lm2 Blh Gle Gaks Aku Dibuatnyer..

Another Two Weeks Dh Kne Blik Kampus..Boring2..Tapi Takper Around Six Months Lg Nk Hbs..Tak Lm Dah..

That's All I Wanna Say..


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hr Nie..Sj Jln2 Buang Ms Kt KLCC Cz Dh Boring Sgt Dok Umah Tym Hols Nie...

Actually My Intention Juz Nak Pg Beli Magz..LOL..

Tp Dh Alang2 Jln2 La Skali..Window Shopping+Cuci Mata Kt Designer's Boutique+Lepak Kt Kinokuniya Bc Buku..

During That Tym I Found There's Lot Of Stuff That Attract Me So Much...But They Are Too Expensive..

When I Pass In Jimmy Choo I Found These Gorge Hobo Bag..Some Celebs Have Spotted Out With This Bag

Jimmy Choo - Multicolor Python Hobo

Then I Turun Another Floor Lalu Depan Fendi And Chanel Plak..Dat Tym Lg..Tp Blh Tgk Jer Cz I'm Not Afford To Buy All These Bags..

Fendi Twins Tote - Seen On Olsen Twins

Fendi Spy - Seen On Paris Hilton

Fendi Leather B

Chanel Bags

All Those Bags Really Pricey...Kalo Ikt Ringgit Malaysia..Harga Dia Mencecah 10 Hingga Ke 20 Ribu..Giler Kan???

Dat's Why I Juz Can Wish..But To Turns Them Into Reality??

It Might Takes Along Time...And Maybe That Tym Those Bags Are Sooo Out Dated..Or Might Considered As Vintage!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Relieved? Not!!!

After A Long Day Of Waiting...Finally Got My Result!

Quite Ok! But I'm Not Happy Cz I Didn't Get What I Had Expected Earlier!

But Never Mind...I've Got One Term Left To Improve My CGPA!

That's All!


O.M.G. Tomorrow Such A Big Day!

Rsnye Mcm Br Smlm Jer Aku Jwb Paper Exam...Tup2 Bsk Dh Nk Kuar Result Dah...Aiyoyo Amma! Appa!

Aku juz Hrp Diz Sem Tak Lah Cemerlang Tp Bagus Lah Based On Effort Aku Dtg Kelas Tiap2 Hr Tanpa Miss Pun...And CGPA Naik Sket..E2 Je..Nk Hrp Dpt 3.5 2 Mcm Ssh La..But Who Knows...

Apa2 Pun Aku Hrp Aku Lulus Semua Subjek..I Hate Failed Again...What Makes Me Freaking Out Ryte Now Is Mandarin..

My Short Drama..Plz La Cover My Test Pny Marks Yg I Dah Screwed Up Hr Tuh..

That' All..Subjek Lain? Sume Fine..So I Hope I Get The Good Result...

Apa Ada Pada Nama??!!

Actually Ni Takder Kaitan Ngan Mn2 Pihak..
Tp Sje2 Je..Since My Nickname Dah Seakan Create Chaos Among My Friend And My Relatives..
In My Daily Life..I Was Known As 'Wanie' Short Form From Nur Shazwani -That's My Full Name Bebeh! LOL!

But When Im In High School One Of My Friends Was Sooo Addicted To Harry Potter Until She Suggest..Eh Wanie Meh Cni Aku Scramble Nm Ko...Knon2 Mcm Harry Potter La..Then I Mcm..Owh Ok..Pastu Kitorang Pun Buat La..Dh Nm Pun Budak Skola...

Dh Dier Scramble Tuh Dpt La My New 'ISHAZRAWN'..Gosh..Nm Tak Glam Hbs..LOL!

Dh Lm2...Dr Ishazrawn..I Tukar Jd Shazra..Until At The End Of 2008..I Decide Nk Pki Zara Je...

Then Kt Facebook I Pown Ltk La This Name..My Classmates Mostly Dh Tau Cz Kat All My Stuff Ader Diz Name..So Dorg Pun Like...Never Mind...

Yang Best Bler I Add My Aunty..Hahaha Silly Me..Add Tp Tak Bgtau Sapa...Cian My Aunty 2 Almost A Week Cr Who Is Zara Zainal..Until One Of My Cuzzies Bgtau..Zara Zainal Is Also Known As Wanie...

So E2 La Dier Citer DI Sebalik Nm Zara Zainal Nih..

This Name Is Only For Internet Usage Only Cz I've Preferred To Be Known As 'Wanie'

That's All...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My First Post In Here!


Finally Setelah Berbulan2 Tgk Org Buat Blog...Teringin Gaks La Aku Buat..
Akhirnye Dapat..Tp Still Mcm Sengal2 Lagi Cz Br Blaja...

Kalo Dulu Org Buat Aku Tumpang Kutuk Jer..

Skang Eat Your Words Babe...You've To Admit Sometimes You Need This Thing!

That's All I Wanna Say!
