Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shopping...Shopping And Shopping Again!!!

Malaysia mega sale are back!!Yippie!

Actually sale nih dh nearly nk hbs sj nak bgtau skang cz mengenangkan i dh spend a lots of money during this season for shopping!! start jer season nih..i pon start lah projek shopping i alone!!rs nyer this time lah tym i shopping plg gle skali for my entire i'm nearly broke got served babes!Hahahaha!

Nk tau apa yg bli?Ok..start je season nih i beli jam from less 20% so from RM49.90 they reduced the price to RM38++..then afta 3 days at the same shop i bought another price cut till the price is RM70++..sadly i'm unable to get the 'miu miu' lookalike bag cz the price is RM100 something..been thinking twice b4 i left the shop.. :'(

Then, on the same day i bought the file/organizer idk its name from roxy..luckily got birthday rewards from them so i have to pay only RM60.Thx god!

After 3 weeks i bought all the stuff, i'm going shopping again..this tym with my sis wanted to bought the gladiator's looks cool so i ask one pair from my dad and luckily he willingly to pay for them yay! again..and i'm totally gutted this time cz for the whole i've tried my best to save my money but it just finished after i went to jusco bukit raja where i end up buying 2 pair of jeans which cost me RM99..

And the latest one last week..where i'm going with my friends to MJ warehouse sales at Std Melawati..So rambang mata looking at the tops and i end up choosing 2 tops and i sweater which cost me RM65..

And not too forget the stuff from my new shopping!! got two shawls and 1 knitted bag...All of them in price of RM70++

From this, the moral of the story are dun you ever going shopping alone cz at the end you will end up like me..LOL!

I will upload all these pics later..

That's all now buddies!


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